Showing your gratitude for others can be a great way to spread positive feelings in the world around you. How do you feel when someone sincerely expresses his or her gratitude to you for something you did?
Doesn't it make you feel good about yourself? These positive feelings can lift you up, boost your enthusiasm, and motivate you to achieve even more.
While everyone is occasionally late, some of us couldn’t be on time if our lives depended on it. You can’t be consistently on time if it’s not a priority. You must first decide to be punctual before you can change. Being on time reduces stress, builds trust, and shows respect for others. You’ll also gain a feeling of self-control.
Busyness is practically a disease today. We all cram as much as we can into our seemingly limited time. Yet being busy isn’t the same as getting things done.
Haven’t you had a day where you felt like you didn’t have a minute to spare, yet you still felt like you didn’t accomplish anything? Nearly everyone has.
You know that you have a lot of things to do. You may even have big plans for the future, but you can’t seem to motivate yourself to get off the couch the internet. Everyone experiences laziness from time to time.
However, the most successful people are able to push laziness aside and take action.
You can uplift your mood - without drugs or other substances - just as quickly as it went downhill. Sometimes it's the small changes in the diet that can have a big impact on your mood. Boost your mood quickly with these tips. You can make this your go-to strategy.
If you have an endless list of tasks that need to be done, and most of us do, it can be overwhelming. The list just gets longer and longer each day because you can't get today's list completed, and more tasks just keep coming at you.
If you can pare your list of to-dos down the most important tasks, you can keep your planning and time management system simple. A simple list of the 3-5 most important things is all that nearly anyone needs to be very effective and successful.
Procrastination is one of the biggest traps that adults can fall into. Inevitably there are projects at home or tasks at work that we just don’t want to do. They’re boring, difficult, or just seemingly unimportant. Even as kids we had moments of procrastination, after all, how many times did your mother have to hound you to clean your room?
We live in a world where quick entertainment is at our fingertips. Switch on the television, turn on the radio, or plug in the iPod. All of these fun alternatives can ultimately prevent us from completing the tasks at hand. But of course, this gets us nowhere, fast!
Getting things done brings such a great feeling of accomplishment, but it can also be overwhelming if the task seems insurmountable. Sometimes, the days just don't seem long enough to do everything we want to do. When that happens, worry can set in, but it doesn't have to!
You can do more than you ever thought was possible, and in less time too, giving yourself time to relax and really enjoy life!
Regardless of how much you love your job, there will always be times when you have trouble motivating yourself to work. It happens to everyone from time to time. And, during the slow times, you're able to slack off a bit. However, a too-relaxed attitude begins to cause waves when a deadline is looming and you have a project to finish.
While you're at work, it’s common to feel overwhelmed with all the projects you’re juggling. Concentrating for a long period of time can be taxing both emotionally and physically. This often results in a tired mind, aching muscles, and a complete lack of energy.
What can you do to rest and revive yourself for short periods of time during your work day while still being productive?