Confidence In Practice - Real Life Examples (Part 2)


Welcome back to our exploration of confidence in action! In this thrilling conclusion, we'll dive into more powerful examples that will help you recognize and cultivate confidence in various aspects of your life. Let's pick up where we left off and uncover the remaining pieces of the confidence puzzle.

Asking for Help

Example: Maria is struggling with a complex project at work. Instead of trying to figure it out alone and potentially missing the deadline, she approaches her colleague for assistance, clearly explaining what she needs.

Confidence in action:

  • Recognizing and accepting your limitations

  • Valuing collaboration and shared knowledge

  • Being secure enough to show vulnerability

Interactive exercise: Think of something you're currently struggling with. Who could you ask for help? Draft a message or script for how you'll ask, focusing on being clear and specific about what you need.

Celebrating Others' Successes

Example: Tom's coworker gets the promotion he was hoping for. Despite his disappointment, Tom genuinely congratulates his colleague and offers support in the transition.

Confidence in action:

  • Being secure in your own worth and journey

  • Valuing relationships and teamwork

  • Demonstrating emotional maturity

Reflection question: How easy do you find it to celebrate others' successes, especially when they're in areas where you're also striving? What might this reveal about your confidence levels?

Taking Calculated Risks

Example: Despite having a stable job, Priya decides to start her own business. She creates a detailed plan, sets aside savings, and takes the leap, understanding that there's no guarantee of success but feeling prepared for the challenge.

Confidence in action:

  • Trusting in your abilities and preparation

  • Being comfortable with uncertainty

  • Valuing personal growth and fulfillment over comfort

Action step: Identify a calculated risk you could take in your personal or professional life. List the potential benefits and drawbacks. What's one small step you could take towards this risk?

Standing Up for Your Beliefs

Example: During a family gathering, Chris overhears a relative making discriminatory comments. Despite the potential for conflict, Chris calmly but firmly expresses his disagreement and explains why the comments are harmful.

Confidence in action:

  • Aligning actions with personal values

  • Being willing to face potential conflict for what's right

  • Expressing opinions respectfully but assertively

Reflection question: Can you recall a time when you stood up for your beliefs, even when it was uncomfortable? How did it make you feel afterward?

Embracing Your Unique Style

Example: Despite working in a conservative industry, Zoe decides to dye her hair a vibrant color. She carries herself with assurance, letting her work speak for itself and not allowing others' potential judgments to affect her self-expression.

Confidence in action:

  • Being comfortable with standing out

  • Valuing personal authenticity over conformity

  • Trusting in your professional capabilities beyond appearance

Interactive exercise: What's one aspect of your authentic self that you've been hesitant to express? Brainstorm small ways you could start embracing this part of you more fully.

Bringing It All Together

Confidence isn't about being perfect or fearless. As these examples show, it's about trusting yourself, valuing your worth, and being willing to step out of your comfort zone. It's about handling both success and failure with grace and continuing to grow and learn.

Final Reflection:

  1. Which of these examples resonated with you the most? Why?

  2. In which areas of your life do you feel most confident? Least confident?

  3. What's one confidence-building action you commit to taking in the next week?

Remember, building confidence is a journey, not a destination. Every small act of confidence builds upon itself, creating a positive cycle of growth and self-assurance.

To help you take the next step on this journey, I invite you to book a strategy session with me. In this one-on-one consultation, we'll dive deeper into your unique confidence challenges and create a personalized action plan to boost your self-assurance in all areas of life.

Whether you're looking to excel in your career, improve your relationships, or simply feel more comfortable in your own skin, this session will provide you with tailored strategies and support. Don't wait to start building the confident life you deserve. Book your strategy session today, and let's work together to unlock your full potential. What will your next confident move be?

Joe Mitchell, Esquire is a High-Performance Coach and EFT (Tapping) Practitioner, who has logged over 35 years of in-depth study of personal and spiritual development. In his studies, he has done hundreds of self-development courses, spiritual retreats, and health-related workshops. Coach Joe is a certified yoga teacher, meditation teacher, NLP Practitioner, and a graduate of three coaching academies. Two years after he graduated from Harvard Law School, he became a monk for five years. In 2016, after over 20 years as a solo criminal and personal injury attorney, he decided to turn his heart’s passion into a career as a Success Coach, Motivational Speaker and Trainer. For information on Coach Joe’s programs, high-performance videos and to apply for a Free High-Performance Session, book a Strategy Session with Coach Joe today.

Joseph Mitchell